Question/Answer First interviewer/
1st interview
First interviewer/
2nd interview
Second interviewer
Because of pain in my face, jaws or mouths: N % N % N %
I cannot open my mouth as wide as I could
None of the time 17 34 17 34 17 34
On some days 18 36 13 26 16 32
On most/everyday(s) 15 30 20 40 17 34
I find it difficult to talk for long periods of time
None of the time 26 52 23 46 24 48
On some days 11 22 11 22 12 24
On most/everyday(s) 13 26 16 32 14 28
I find it difficulty to smile or laugh
None of the time 26 52 22 44 27 54
On some days 16 32 16 32 12 24
On most/everyday(s) 8 16 12 24 11 22
I cannot touch my face
None of the time 30 60 28 56 30 60
On some days 15 30 14 28 11 22
On most/everyday(s) 5 10 8 16 9 18
I cannot find a comfortable position in which to sleep
None of the time 25 50 25 50 23 46
On some days 13 26 14 28 14 28
On most/everyday(s) 12 24 11 22 13 26
I wake up at night in pain
None of the time 25 50 25 50 26 52
On some days 18 36 18 36 16 32
On most/everyday(s) 7 14 7 14 8 16
I have difficulty falling asleep
None of the time 23 46 26 52 27 54
On some days 18 36 16 32 11 22
On most/everyday(s) 9 18 8 16 12 24
I cannot eat hard foods like apples or toast
None of the time 12 34 11 22 14 28
On some days 17 24 18 36 10 32
On most/everyday(s) 21 42 21 42 20 40
I take longer to finish my meals
None of the time 32 64 32 64 33 66
On some days 7 14 7 14 3 6
On most/everyday(s) 11 22 11 22 14 28
I am unable to eat out in restaurants
None of the time 39 78 41 82 43 86
On some days 6 12 4 8 4 8
On most/everyday(s) 5 10 5 10 3 6
I no longer enjoy my food
None of the time 40 80 41 82 40 80
On some days 5 10 3 6 5 10
On most/everyday(s) 5 10 6 12 5 10
I find it sore to kiss
None of the time 30 60 33 66 34 68
On some days 17 34 13 26 11 22
On most/everyday(s) 3 6 4 8 5 10
I have had to take time off work
None of the time 36 72 36 72 40 80
On some days 10 20 10 20 6 12
On most/everyday(s) 4 8 4 8 4 8
People find me difficult to live with
None of the time 33 66 31 62 33 66
On some days 14 28 15 30 12 24
On most/everyday(s) 3 6 4 8 5 10
I have had to take time off work
None of the time 23 46 23 46 22 44
On some days 21 14 20 40 18 36
On most/everyday(s) 6 12 7 14 10 20
I have problems performing normal household tasks
None of the time 33 66 32 64 35 70
On some days 15 30 15 20 12 24
On most/everyday(s) 2 4 3 6 3 6
I would rather be by myself
None of the time 28 56 27 54 25 50
On some days 11 22 11 22 12 24
On most/everyday(s) 11 22 12 24 13 26
I have cancelled social activities and holidays
None of the time 35 70 34 68 37 74
On some days 12 24 12 24 9 18
On most/everyday(s) 3 6 4 8 4 8
I feel weary/tired
None of the time 12 24 13 26 10 20
On some days 22 44 24 48 25 50
On most/everyday(s) 16 32 13 26 15 30
I cannot stop crying
None of the time 36 72 34 68 33 66
On some days 8 16 11 22 10 20
On most/everyday(s) 6 12 5 10 7 14
I am worried that I may have a serious illness
None of the time 31 62 32 64 30 60
On some days 12 24 8 16 6 12
On most/everyday(s) 7 14 10 20 14 28
I feel embarrassed and self conscious
None of the time 38 76 38 76 40 80
On some days 10 20 11 22 8 16
On most/everyday(s) 2 4 1 2 2 4
I feel depressed
None of the time 30 60 32 64 32 64
On some days 14 28 12 24 12 24
On most/everyday(s) 6 12 6 12 6 12
I feel I no longer take any pleasure in life
None of the time 37 74 37 74 37 74
On some days 13 26 11 22 9 18
On most/everyday(s) 0 0 2 4 4 8

N = number of participants.