Study Type of study Model investigated Patient no. Cell source Mobilization procedure (+\-) and material Assay of mobilization Apheresis procedure (+\-)
and method
Osteogenic differentiation potential Markers found
Smiler et al. [4] Research article Humans 6 BM PB, - - +, Modern flow cytometer - CD105+ Using 6-color flow cytometry
Castillo-Cardiel et al. [5] Randomized clinical trial Humans 20 Adipose tissue - - - +, using panoramic radiograph and CT -
McNulty et al. [6] Pilot Study Mice 97 PB +, AMD3100, bone marrow ablation CFU, flow cytometry, micro-CT. - - -
Dhar et al. [7] Clinical trial Equine 10 PB, Adipose tissue +, hyperbaric oxygen therapy Markers expression, cytospin. Ficoll.+ + alizarin red staining solution CD51, CD90, CD105
Marycz et al. [8] Research article Mice 90 BM and PB +, endurance exercise Clonogenic assay, ELISA - - -
Humans 12 BM and PB ELISA - - -
Lyahyai et al. [9] Research article Sheep-Ovine 6 PB - - +, NA + alizarin red staining solution (cytochemical) CD105, CD73, CD90
Kassis et al. [10] Original article Human NA PB +, G-CSF NA +, COBE Spectra apheresis system + isolation by FMB. + nitro-blue tetrazolium/indolylp-hosphate staining to observe alkaline phosphatase activity of the osteogenic cells CD45, CD105, CD90, vimentin, fibronectin.
Li et al. [11] Original research Mice NA PB - - - + alizarin red staining solution CD45-(BD-MSC) using coculture system from PB
Sato et al. [12] Research article Feline 22 PB - - + + alizarin red staining solution (cytochemical) CD44, CD90
Motlló et al. [33] Research article Human 133 PB +, G-CSF EPICS XL-MCL flow cytometer. +, COBE Spectra apheresis system - -
Anguita-Compagnon et al. [34] Retrospective study Humans 31 donors PB +, G-CSF Flow cytometry, clonogenic assay. + COBE Spectra cell processor - -

NA = not applicable; PB = peripheral blood; BM = bone marrow; CT = computed tomography.