Patient and population (P) All adult healthy patients (> 15 years) with indications for surgical removal of mandibular third molars.
Intervention (I) Surgical removal of mandibular third molars in conjunction with administration of corticosteroids.
Comparator or control group (C) Surgical removal of mandibular third molars with different dosage or administration routes of corticosteroids.
Outcomes (O) Facial swelling, pain, trismus, complications, patient-reported outcome measures, quality of life measures.
Study design (S) Randomized controlled trials in humans with the aim of comparing the postoperative outcome following surgical removal of mandibular third molars with different doses or administration routes of corticosteroids.
Focused question Are there any differences in the postoperative outcome following surgical removal of mandibular third molars with different doses or administration routes of corticosteroids?