1. Gender:

  2. □ Male
    □ Female
  3. Age:

  4. □ 18-24
    □ 25-34
    □ 35-44
    □ 45-54
    □ 55-64
    □ 65+
  5. Specialization:

  6. □ General dental practitioner
    □ Endodontist
    □ Oral/maxillofacial surgeon
    □ Periodontist
    □ Orthodontist
    □ Prosthodontist
    □ Paediatric dentist
  7. Years of professional experience:

  8. □ Up to 5 years
    □ 5-10 years
    □ 11-20 years
    □ More than 20 years
  9. City: _____________

  10. Workplace:

  11. □ Public health institution
    □ Private practice
    □ Both public and private institution
  12. Do you have a dental X-ray device in your clinic?

  13. □ Yes
    □ No
  14. Do you have a panoramic X-ray device in your clinic?

  15. □ Yes
    □ No
  16. How old is your dental X-ray device?

  17. □ 1-7 years
    □ 8-15 years
    □ 16-25 years
    □ More than 25 years
  18. How often do you have your X-ray unit calibrated?

  19. □ Routinely
    □ Occasionally
    □ Never
  20. Do you use digital imaging techniques in your practice?

  21. □ Yes
    □ No
  22. If you cannot see a periapical lesion, does it mean it is not there?

  23. □ Yes
    □ No
    □ I do not know
  24. Have you heard about Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)/Digital Volumetric Tomography (DVT)?

  25. □ Yes
    □ No
  26. IS there a CBCT device in your workplace?

  27. □ Yes
    □ No
  28. What CBCT machine does your workplace have? If you know, write down below: _______________

  29. Have you ever referred your patient for CBCT imaging?

  30. □ Yes (Go to 17th question)
    □ No (The questionnaire has ended. Thank you for your responses)
  31. >Do you always have conventional digital radiographs (intraoral and/or panoramic radiographs) of patients before you decide to perform CBCT?

  32. □ Always
    □ Yes, for the majority of my patients
    □ Yes, but only for the minority of my patients
    □ No
  33. Can you make an estimate of the number of adult patients (18 years of age or older) that you scan in your practice using CBCT in a typical month?

  34. □ 1-10
    □ 11-20
    □ 21-30
    □ 31-40
    □ 41+
  35. In which situation(s) do you prefer CBCT/DVT imaging? (Multiple choices are allowed)

  36. □ Dentoalveolar trauma (eg. root splitting/fracture, avulsion etc)
    □ Cyst-tumor
    □ Bone quality evaluation
    □ Implant planning
    □ Other procedures related to implantation (eg. bone graft/ sinus augmentation)
    □ Evaluation of supernumerary teeth
    □ Impacted teeth localization (eg. third molar; maxillary canine)
    □ Cleft lip/palate
    □ Planning for orthodontic treatment (micro-implant placement, maxillary expansion, assessment of respiratory tract width)
    □ TMJ pathology diagnostics
    □ Evaluation of complex root canal morphology
    □ Evaluation of root resorption area and size
    □ Separated instruments in root canals
    □ Periapical lesion evaluation and location
    □ Periapical surgery planning
    □ Other: __________
  37. What is the difference between CT and CBCT/DVT?

  38. □ Radiation dose for CBCT is lower than CT
    □ Radiation dose for CBCT is same as CT
    □ Radiation dose for CBCT is higher than CT
    □ I do not know
  39. What exposure factors would you set for the commonest use of CBCT in your practice?

  40. □ I do not change the exposure factors. The CBCT machine offers preprogrammed settings for different patient groups (eg. large, medium, small, man, woman, or similar)
    □ I do not change the exposure factors. The CBCT machine has an automatic exposure control.
    □ Milliamperage (mA)
    □ Peak kilovoltage (kV)
    □ Exposure time (s)
    □ Field of view (FOV),
    □ Voxel size
    □ Other parameters
  41. Do you use a lead (or lead equivalent) thyroid shield for your patients?

  42. □ Yes
    □ No
    □ Sometimes
  43. Do you use a lead (or lead equivalent) apron on your patients?

  44. □ Yes
    □ No
    □ Sometimes
  45. Who undertakes the reporting of the CBCT scans?

  46. □ Always the dentist who requested the scan
    □ Normally the dentist who requested the scan, but sometimes a specialist radiologist (dental and maxillofacial radiology or a medical radiologist)
    □ Normally a specialist radiologist (dental and maxillofacial radiology or a medical radiologist), but sometimes the dentist who requested the scan
    □ A specialist radiologist (dental and maxillofacial radiology or a medical radiologist) always reports the scan
    □ Other: ____________
  47. If the dentist within the practice reports the CBCT images, how was s/he trained?

  48. □ By the company who installed the CBCT device
    □ By attending an independent training course on CBCT (eg. by an academic or specialist society/ organization)
    □ Trained in university
    □ The dentist had enough information to report CBCT images without training courses
    □ Other: ____________
  49. If you do, write where additionally you use CBCT in your daily dental routine: ____________

  50. Do you use accessory tools (for example, inversion, magnification, contrast, brightness adjustment etc) when analyzing the images?

  51. □ Yes
    □ No
    □ Sometimes
  52. Do you perform CBCT on peadiatric patients?

  53. □ Yes
    □ No
  54. What are the main drawbacks of CBCT?

  55. □ More expensive
    □ Difficult to use software
    □ Time wasting instillation, updates
    □ Other: __________
  56. In your opinion, will CBCT scans in 5 years be performed in daily routine of dental practice?

  57. □ Yes, in all fields of dentistry
    □ Yes, but only if there are indications
    □ CBCT will not be used in routine dental practice
    □ I don't know
  58. Would you like to update your knowledge and skills about CBCT?

  59. □ Yes
    □ No
    □ I don't know