A to F = tap group protocol.
G to L = standard group protocol.
A and G = round shaped drill (diameter: 2.0 mm) was used to determine the drilling site.
B and H = twist drill (diameter: 2.0 mm) was used for preparing the implant socket up to a depth of 12 mm.
C and I = pilot drill (diameter: 3.0 mm) was used to pinpoint the direction and depth of the perforation in the upper parts of the samples (depth: 3 mm).
D = tap torques were measured by tap drill (diameter: 3.0 mm), at a measurement depth of 10 mm (torque measurement length: 7 mm).
J = twist drill (diameter: 3.0 mm) was used for preparing the implant socket up to a depth of 10 mm.
E and K = counterbore drill was used to prepare upper part of bone block.
F and I = implant placement.