Animal Models to Study the Mutational Landscape for Oral Cavity and Oropharyngeal Cancers
Michael T. Spiotto, Matthew Pytynia, Gene-Fu F. Liu, Mark C. Ranck, Ryan Widau
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2013 (Jan-Mar);4(1):e1
Keywords: head and neck neoplasms; postoperative pain; opioid analgesics; pain measurement; systematic review.
MicroRNA Deregulations in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinomas
Dan Chen, Robert J. Cabay, Yi Jin, Anxun Wang, Yang Lu, Muzaffar Shah-Khan, Xiaofeng Zhou
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2013 (Jan-Mar);4(1):e2
Keywords: squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck; microRNA; carcinogenesis tests.
Pharmacological and Other Interventions for Head and Neck Cancer Pain: a Systematic Review
Patrick B. Trotter, Lindsey A. Norton, Ann S. Loo, Jonathan I. Munn, Elena Voge, Kim W. Ah-See, Tatiana V. Macfarlane
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2012 (Oct-Dec);3(4):e1
Keywords: head and neck neoplasms; postoperative pain; opioid analgesics; pain measurement; systematic review.
Cervical Musculoskeletal Impairments and Temporomandibular Disorders
Susan Armijo-Olivo, David Magee
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2012 (Oct-Dec);3(4):e4
Keywords: temporomandibular disorders; neck; cervical spine; mucosceletal diseases impairments; physical therapy techniques.
Head and Neck Cancer Pain: Systematic Review of Prevalence and Associated Factors
Tatiana V. Macfarlane, Tanja Wirth, Sriyani Ranasinghe, Kim W. Ah-See, Nick Renny, David Hurman
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2012 (Jan-Mar);3(1):e1
Keywords: cancer; head and neck cancer; pain; epidemiology; prevalence; review.
Review of MicroRNA Deregulation in Oral Cancer. Part I
Antonia Kolokythas, Michael Miloro, Xiaofeng Zhou
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2011 (Apr-Jun);2(2):e1
Keywords: oral cancer; oral neoplasms; head and neck cancer; head and neck neoplasms; microRNA; review.
Review of MicroRNA Proposed Target Genes in Oral Cancer. Part II
Antonia Kolokythas, Michael Miloro, Xiaofeng Zhou
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2011 (Apr-Jun);2(2):e2
Keywords: oral cancer; head and neck cancer; microRNA; gene targeting; carcinogenesis tests.
Peculiarities of Dental Treatment among Paediatric Oncological Patients: a Case Report
Egle Aida Bendoraitiene, Vilija Andruskeviciene, Gabriele Kscenaviciute, Evelina Srebaliene, Ieva Maciulaityte
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2020;11(3):e5
Keywords: cancer of head and neck; dental atraumatic restorative treatment; dental caries; pediatric dentistry; radiation; radiotherapy.
Effect of Starting Posture on Three-Dimensional Jaw and Head Movement
Janey Prodoehl, Patrick Thomas, Joseph J. Krzak, Timothy Hanke, Joseph Tojanic, James Thomas
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2022;13(1):e4
Keywords: mandible; movement; kinematics; neck; temporomandibular joint; posture.