Long-Term Symptoms Onset and Heterotopic Bone Formation around a Total Temporomandibular Joint Prosthesis: a Case Report
Luca Guarda-Nardini, Daniele Manfredini, Marco Olivo, Giuseppe Ferronato
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2014 (Jan-Mar);5(1):e6
Keywords: ankylosis; heterotopic ossification; temporomandibular joint; temporomandibular joint disc; temporomandibular joint disorders.
Vertical Craniofacial Morphology and its Relation to Temporomandibular Disorders
Paula Furlan Bavia, Renata Cunha Matheus Rodrigues Garcia
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2016;7(2):e6
Keywords: facial asymmetry; facial bones; orofacial pain; temporomandibular joint disorders.
Synovial Cysts in the Temporomandibular Joint: a Case Report and Critical Review of the Literature
Ynn Maribo, Kasper Stokbro, Esben Aagaard, Stine Rosenkilde Larsen, Torben Thygesen
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2019;10(1):e4
Keywords: ganglion cysts; magnetic resonance imaging; synovial cyst; temporomandibular joint disorder.
Long-Term Follow-Up of Orthognathic Surgery in 19 Patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
Henrik Krarup, Thomas Klit Pedersen, Paula Frid, Sven Erik Nørholt
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2023;14(4):e4
Keywords: cephalometry; dentofacial deformities; juvenile arthritis; orthognathic surgery; temporomandibular joint disorders.