Accuracy of Digital Radiography and Cone Beam Computed Tomography on Periapical Radiolucency Detection in Endodontically Treated Teeth
Tadas Venskutonis, Povilas Daugela, Marijus Strazdas, Gintaras Juodzbalys
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2014 (Apr-Jun);5(2):e1
Keywords: cone-beam computed tomography; dental radiography; endodontics; periapical periodontitis; root canal therapy; X-ray diagnosis.
Endodontic Management of a Mandibular First Molar with Four Canals in a Distal Root by Using Cone-Beam Computed Tomography: a Case Report
Hani Baziar, Farzaneh Daneshvar, Abbas Mohammadi, Hamid Jafarzadeh
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2014 (Jan-Mar);5(1):e5
Keywords: anatomy; cone-beam computed tomography; molar; tooth root; tooth canal.
Prevention of Cutaneous Tissue Contracture During Removal of Craniofacial Implant Superstructures for CT and MRI Studies
Maureen Sullivan, Rachael Rossitto, David Casey
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2010 (Apr-Jun);1(2):e4
Keywords: endosseous implantation; X-ray computed tomography; magnetic resonance imaging; artifacts.
Reliability of Periapical Radiographs and Orthopantomograms in Detection of Tooth Root Protrusion in the Maxillary Sinus: Correlation Results with Cone Beam Computed Tomography
Bassam A. Hassan
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2010 (Jan-Mar);1(1):e6
Keywords: dental radiography; cone-beam computed tomography; orthopantomography; tooth root; maxillary sinus.
Spiral Computed Tomography Based Maxillary Sinus Imaging in Relation to Tooth Loss, Implant Placement and Potential Grafting Procedure
Maryam Shahbazian, Dong Xue, Yuqian Hu, Johan van Cleynenbreugel, Reinhilde Jacobs
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2010 (Jan-Mar);1(1):e7
Keywords: tooth root; alveolar bone atrophy; dental implant; maxillary sinus; spiral computed tomography; teeth.
Accidental Displacement of Third Molar into the Sublingual Space: a Case Report
Rubens Jorge Silveira, Robson Rodrigues Garcia, Tessa Lucena Botelho, Ademir Franco, Rhonan Ferreira Silva
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2014 (Jul-Sep);5(3):e5
Keywords: third molar; multislice computed tomography; oral surgery; tooth extraction.
Comparison of Swedish and Norwegian Use of Cone-Beam Computed Tomography: a Questionnaire Study
Jerker Edén Strindberg, Caroline Hol, Gerald Torgersen, Anne Møystad, Mats Nilsson, Karin Näsström, Kristina Hellén-Halme
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2015;6(4):e2
Keywords: cone-beam computed tomography; dentistry; health care quality assurance; questionnaire; workflow.
Effect of Head and Tongue Posture on the Pharyngeal Airway Dimensions and Morphology in Three-Dimensional Imaging: a Systematic Review
Sirwan Fernandez Gurani, Gabriele Di Carlo, Paolo M. Cattaneo, Jens Jørgen Thorn, Else Marie Pinholt
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2016;7(1):e1
Keywords: cone-beam computed tomography; magnetic resonance imaging; obstructive sleep apnea; orthognathic surgery; posture.
An Investigation of the Morphology of the Petrotympanic Fissure Using Cone-Beam Computed Tomography
Spyros Damaskos, Konstantinos Syriopoulos, Rogier L. Sens, Constantinus Politis
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2018;9(1):e4
Keywords: arthroscopy; cone-beam computed tomography; temporal bone; temporomandibular joint.
Evaluation of Prevalence and Positions of Mesiodens Using Cone-Beam Computed Tomography
Sevde Goksel, Ece Agirgol, Hulya Cakir Karabas, Ilknur Ozcan
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2018;9(4):e1
Keywords: cone-beam computed tomography; incisor; prevalence; supernumerary tooth; three-dimensional imaging.