With spine deviations Without spine deviations P
N Mean SD N Mean SD
Head posture (°)
Craniovertical angles
FH/VER 15 95.31 5.36 31 92.97 4.91 NS
NL/VER 15 93.02 6,93 30 89.64 8.59 NS
Craniocervical angles
NL/CVT 15 108.17 9.43 30 106.52 9.52 NS
NL/OPT 15 92.15 9.8 30 95.67 9.19 NS
FH/CVT 16 103.69 7.22 31 104.96 8.06 NS
FH/OPT 15 94.42 8.91 31 99.02 8.06 NS
Cervicohorizontal angles
CVT/HOR 16 74.71 6.22 36 73.07 7.92 NS
OPT/HOR 16 90.45 7.42 36 83.85 7.22 b,c
Cervical curvature
OPT/CVT 17 15.89 8.12 36 10.79 4.3 a
Pharyngeal dimensions (mm/mm2/mm3)
Nasal floor level
Transversal distance 17 28.31 4.39 36 27.84 5.47 NS
Sagittal distance 17 21.56 4.06 36 20.33 3.4 NS
Area 17 533.33 154.53 36 469.2 121.68 NS
Velum level
Transversal distance 17 23.15 6.86 36 24.28 6.82 NS
Mean sagittal distance 17 6.21 2.15 36 6.72 2.32 NS
Area 17 136.93 77.86 36 155.81 95 NS
Radix lingual level
Transversal distance 17 31.59 14.16 36 31.28 6.53 NS
Sagittal distance 17 10.75 3.96 36 10.92 4 NS
Area 17 264.49 152.63 36 257.62 103.47 NS
Epiglottis level
Transversal distance 17 30.62 6 36 33.03 5.44 NS
Sagittal distance 17 13.13 4.7 36 13.07 3.83 NS
Area 17 314.46 158.13 36 311.15 117.65 NS
Hyoid bone level
Transversal distance 17 38.01 3.75 36 38.95 4.19 NS
Sagittal distance 17 16.73 3.84 36 17 3.56 NS
Area 17 418.5 119.32 36 440.38 114.2 NS
Pharyngeal high and volume
Pharynx total high 17 54.49 6.7 36 56.23 7.83 NS
Total pharyngeal volume 17 12928 6274 36 12666 6381 NS
Velopharyngeal volume 17 6799 3589 36 6729 5085 NS
Oropharyngeal volume 17 6129 3952 36 5937 3436 NS

aP < 0.05; bP < 0.01; cgender effect (P < 0.05). Multiple linear regression analysis.
N = number of patients; SD = standard deviation; NS = not significant; FH/VER = the angle between Frankfort horizontal and true vertical line; NL/VER = the angle between nasal line and true vertical line; NL/CVT = the angle between nasal line and cervical vertebra tangent line; NL/OPT = the angle between nasal line and odontoid process tangent line; FH/CVT = the angle between Frankfort horizontal and cervical vertebra tangent line; FH/OPT = the angle between Frankfort horizontal and odontoid process tangent line; CVT/HOR = the angle between cervical vertebra tangent and true horizontal line; OPT/HOR = the angle between odontoid process tangent and true horizontal line; OPT/CVT = the angle between odontoid process tangent and cervical vertebra tangent line.