Search Query Items found
#42 Search (((((("Alveolar Ridge Augmentation"[Mesh]) OR ((alveolar ridge augment*[Text Word]) OR alveolar augment*[Text Word])) OR ((lateral ridge augment*[Text Word]) OR horizontal ridge augment*[Text Word]))) AND ((((((("Allografts"[Mesh]) OR allograft*[Text Word]) OR ((allogeneic*[Text Word]) OR allogenic*[Text Word])) OR "Cryopreservation"[Mesh]) OR fresh-frozen*[Text Word]) OR "Freeze Drying"[Mesh]) OR ((freeze dry*[Text Word]) OR freeze drie*[Text Word])))) AND (((((((("Randomized Controlled Trial" [Publication Type]) OR "Controlled Clinical Trial" [Publication Type]) OR "Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic"[Mesh]) OR "Controlled Clinical Trials as Topic"[Mesh]) OR "Retrospective Studies"[Mesh]) OR "Prospective Studies"[Mesh]) OR ((((((("Controlled Clinical Trial"[Publication Type] OR "Controlled Clinical Trials as Topic"[Mesh])) OR (((random*[Text Word] OR controlled[Text Word] OR crossover[Text Word] OR cross-over[Text Word] OR blind*[Text Word] OR mask*[Text Word])) AND (trial[Text Word] OR trials[Text Word] OR study[Text Word] OR studies[Text Word] OR analys*[Text Word] OR analyz*[Text Word]))) OR rct[Text Word]) OR (((singl*[Text Word] OR doubl*[Text Word] OR tripl*[Text Word])) AND (blind[Text Word] OR mask[Text Word]))) OR placebo[Text Word]))) OR ((prospective[Text Word] OR retrospective[Text Word]))) 117
#41 Search ((((((("Randomized Controlled Trial" [Publication Type]) OR "Controlled Clinical Trial" [Publication Type]) OR "Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic"[Mesh]) OR "Controlled Clinical Trials as Topic"[Mesh]) OR "Retrospective Studies"[Mesh]) OR "Prospective Studies"[Mesh]) OR ((((((("Controlled Clinical Trial"[Publication Type] OR "Controlled Clinical Trials as Topic"[Mesh])) OR (((random*[Text Word] OR controlled[Text Word] OR crossover[Text Word] OR cross-over[Text Word] OR blind*[Text Word] OR mask*[Text Word])) AND (trial[Text Word] OR trials[Text Word] OR study[Text Word] OR studies[Text Word] OR analys*[Text Word] OR analyz*[Text Word]))) OR rct[Text Word]) OR (((singl*[Text Word] OR doubl*[Text Word] OR tripl*[Text Word])) AND (blind[Text Word] OR mask[Text Word]))) OR placebo[Text Word]))) OR ((prospective[Text Word] OR retrospective[Text Word])) 2955261
#40 Search (prospective[Text Word] OR retrospective[Text Word]) 1548133
#39 Search (((((("Controlled Clinical Trial"[Publication Type] OR "Controlled Clinical Trials as Topic"[Mesh])) OR (((random*[Text Word] OR controlled[Text Word] OR crossover[Text Word] OR cross-over[Text Word] OR blind*[Text Word] OR mask*[Text Word])) AND (trial[Text Word] OR trials[Text Word] OR study[Text Word] OR studies[Text Word] OR analys*[Text Word] OR analyz*[Text Word]))) OR rct[Text Word]) OR (((singl*[Text Word] OR doubl*[Text Word] OR tripl*[Text Word])) AND (blind[Text Word] OR mask[Text Word]))) OR placebo[Text Word]) 1656743
#38 Search "Prospective Studies"[Mesh] 495282
#35 Search "Retrospective Studies"[Mesh] 734194
#32 Search "Controlled Clinical Trials as Topic"[Mesh] 128927
#29 Search "Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic"[Mesh] 123922
#26 Search "Controlled Clinical Trial" [Publication Type] 565794
#24 Search "Randomized Controlled Trial" [Publication Type] 477698
#20 Search (((("Alveolar Ridge Augmentation"[Mesh]) OR ((alveolar ridge augment*[Text Word]) OR alveolar augment*[Text Word])) OR ((lateral ridge augment*[Text Word]) OR horizontal ridge augment*[Text Word]))) AND ((((((("Allografts"[Mesh]) OR allograft*[Text Word]) OR ((allogeneic*[Text Word]) OR allogenic*[Text Word])) OR "Cryopreservation"[Mesh]) OR fresh-frozen*[Text Word]) OR "Freeze Drying"[Mesh]) OR ((freeze dry*[Text Word]) OR freeze drie*[Text Word])) 379
#19 Search (((((("Allografts"[Mesh]) OR allograft*[Text Word]) OR ((allogeneic*[Text Word]) OR allogenic*[Text Word])) OR "Cryopreservation"[Mesh]) OR fresh-frozen*[Text Word]) OR "Freeze Drying"[Mesh]) OR ((freeze dry*[Text Word]) OR freeze drie*[Text Word]) 177542
#18 Search (freeze dry*[Text Word]) OR freeze drie*[Text Word] 20754
#17 Search "Freeze Drying"[Mesh] 12822
#15 Search fresh-frozen*[Text Word] 12493
#14 Search "Cryopreservation"[Mesh] 35168
#11 Search (allogeneic*[Text Word]) OR allogenic*[Text Word] 64534
#10 Search allograft*[Text Word] 67424
#9 Search "Allografts"[Mesh] 6588
#6 Search (("Alveolar Ridge Augmentation"[Mesh]) OR ((alveolar ridge augment*[Text Word]) OR alveolar augment*[Text Word])) OR ((lateral ridge augment*[Text Word]) OR horizontal ridge augment*[Text Word]) 4080
#5 Search (lateral ridge augment*[Text Word]) OR horizontal ridge augment*[Text Word] 118
#4 Search (alveolar ridge augment*[Text Word]) OR alveolar augment*[Text Word] 4061
#3 Search "Alveolar Ridge Augmentation"[Mesh] 3893