Patient and population (P) Healthy adult patients with atrophy of the posterior maxilla receiving maxillary sinus floor augmentation applying the lateral window technique.
Intervention (I) Autogenous bone graft.
Comparator or control group (C) Composite grafting material or bone substitute alone.
Outcomes (O) Volumetric changes of the grafting material as evaluated by computer tomography or cone beam computer tomography. Correlation between volumetric changes of the grafting material and potential predictive parameters including gender, age, preoperative alveolar bone height, sinus cavity dimensions, size of the lateral window, amount of grafting material, simultaneous or delayed implant placement, tension of the sinus membrane, endosinus air flow pressure, barrier membrane coverage of the lateral window, and graft healing time interval.
Study design (S) Randomized controlled trials.
Focused question Are there any differences in the volumetric stability of the grafting material following maxillary sinus floor augmentation with the use of autogenous bone graft compared with a composite grafting material or bone substitute alone?