Different Dosages of Corticosteroid and Routes of Administration in Mandibular Third Molar Surgery: a Systematic Review
Marie Kjærgaard Larsen, Thomas Kofod, Ann-Eva Christiansen, Thomas Starch-Jensen
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2018;9(2):e1

Keywords: corticosteroids; dentistry; edema; molar; pain; trismus.

Short-term Haematological Parameters Following Surgical Removal of Mandibular Third Molars with Different Doses of Methylprednisolone Compared with Placebo. A Randomized Controlled Trial
Marie Kjærgaard Larsen, Thomas Kofod, Kirsten Duch, Thomas Starch-Jensen
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2020;11(2):e3

Keywords: corticosteroids; C-reactive protein; leucocytes; mandible; methylprednisolone; third molar.