Clinical Outcome of Inter-Proximal Papilla between a Tooth and a Single Implant Treated with CAD/CAM Abutments: a Cross-Sectional Study
Tiago Borges, Tiago Lima, Ágata Carvalho, Vasco Carvalho
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2012 (Jul-Sep);3(3):e4

Keywords: Computer-Assisted Design; Computer-Assisted Manufacturing; dental abutments; dental implants; outcomes assessment; dental esthetics.

Inflammatory Gene Profile and Particle Presence in Peri-Implant Mucosa: a Pilot Study on 9 Patients
Julia Olander, Sargon Barkarmo, Petra Hammarström Johansson, Ann Wennerberg, Victoria Franke Stenport
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2023;14(3):e2

Keywords: ceramics; dental abutments; dental implants; gene expression; titanium.