The Influence of 1α.25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 Coating on Implant Osseointegration in the Rabbit Tibia
Yoshihito Naito, Ryo Jimbo, Matthew S. Bryington, Stefan Vandeweghe, Bruno R. Chrcanovic, Nick Tovar, Tetsuo Ichikawa, Paulo G. Coelho, Ann Wennerberg
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2014 (Jul-Sep);5(3):e3

Keywords: dental implants; vitamin D; drug dose response relationship; histological techniques; bone formation.

Bone Ingrowth to Ti Fibre Knit Block with High Deformability
Yoko Henmi, Yoshihito Naito, Ryo Jimbo, Yohei Jinno, Kazumitsu Sekine, Kenichi Hamada
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2016;7(4):e2

Keywords: biocompatible materials; bone formation; bone substitutes; elastic modulus; histological techniques; titanium.