Injury of the Inferior Alveolar Nerve during Implant Placement: a Literature Review
Gintaras Juodzbalys, Hom-Lay Wang, Gintautas Sabalys
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2011 (Jan-Mar);2(1):e1
Keywords: mandibular nerve; inferior alveolar nerve; mandibular canal; cranial nerve injuries; paresthesia; dental implants.
Inferior Alveolar Nerve Injuries Following Implant Placement - Importance of Early Diagnosis and Treatment: a Systematic Review
Ilana Shavit, Gintaras Juodzbalys
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2014;5(4):e2
Keywords: dental implants; inferior alveolar nerve; fifth cranial nerve injury; mandibular nerve; paraesthesia.
Inferior Alveolar Nerve Lateralization and Transposition for Dental Implant Placement. Part I: a Systematic Review of Surgical Techniques
Boris Abayev, Gintaras Juodzbalys
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2015;6(1):e2
Keywords: alveolar bone atrophy; dental implants; fifth cranial nerve injury; jaw surgery; mandibular nerve; paresthesia.
Inferior Alveolar Nerve Lateralization and Transposition for Dental Implant Placement. Part II: a Systematic Review of Neurosensory Complications
Boris Abayev, Gintaras Juodzbalys
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2015;6(1):e3
Keywords: alveolar bone atrophy; dental implants; fifth cranial nerve injury;jaw surgery; mandibular nerve; paresthesia.
Evaluation of the Anatomic Position of the Mandibular Canal Regarding to the Segments of the Mandibular Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomy to Diminish the Possibility of Injuries: a Pilot Study
Victor Diniz Borborema dos Santos, Salomão Israel Monteiro Lourenço Queiroz, Alessandro Costa da Silva, Susana Silva, José Sandro Pereira da Silva, Gustavo Vicentis de Oliveira Fernandes, Adriano Rocha Germano
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2022;13(4):e2
Keywords: anatomy; mandibular nerve; orthognathic surgery; sagittal split ramus osteotomy.