Lateral Periodontal Cyst: a Case Report and Literature Review
Luis Felipe das Chagas e Silva de Carvalho, Celina Faig Lima, Luiz Antonio Guimarães Cabral, Adriana Aigotti Haberbeck Brandão, Janete Dias Almeida
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2010 (Oct-Dec);1(4):e5
Keywords: apical periodontal cyst; radicular cyst; odontogenic cysts; jaw cysts.
Conservative Treatment Protocol for Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumour: a Follow-up Study of 3 Cases
Gülsün Yildirim, Hanife Ataoglu, Abdullah Kalayci, Birkan Taha Özkan, Korhan Kucuk, Alparslan Esen
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2010 (Jul-Sep);1(3):e7
Keywords: keratocysts; odontogenic cyst; jaw cysts; jaw neoplasms.
Co-existence of Congenital Epidermoid Cyst and Ranula in a Newborn. Report of a Unique Case
Erofili Papadopoulou, Efstathios Pettas, Lampros Gkoutzanis, Konstantinos Katoumas, Maria Georgaki, Emmanouil Vardas, Evangelia Piperi, Nikolaos G. Nikitakis
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2023;14(1):e5
Keywords: epidermoid cyst; mucocele; newborn; nonodontogenic cysts; ranula.
Can CAPRIN-1 Be Responsible for the Recurrence Potential of Odontogenic Keratocysts?
Nelli Yildirimyan, Mehmet Ali Altay, İrem Hicran Özbudak
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2024;15(2):e4
Keywords: cell proliferation; dentigerous cyst; jaw cysts; odontogenic cysts; recurrence.