Long-Term Surgical Complications in the Oral Cancer Patient: a Comprehensive Review. Part I
Antonia Kolokythas
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2010 (Jul-Sep);1(3):e1

Keywords: oral cancer; oropharyngeal cancer; postoperative complications; neurologic dysfunction; speech disorders; swallowing disorders.

Late Oral Complications Caused by Head and Neck Radiotherapy: Clinical and Laboratory Study
Adriane C. Martinez, Isabela M. V. Silva, Soraya. A. Berti Couto, Rinaldo F. Gandra, Edvaldo A. R. Rosa, Aline C. B. R. Johann, Paulo H. Couto Souza
J Oral Maxillofac Res 2020;11(3):e3

Keywords: candida albicans; postoperative complications; radiotherapy; xerostomia.