Parameters Mean (SD) Changes
as a result of
the treatment
Significe Change
in the follow-up
T1 T2 T3 T1-T2 P-value T2-T3 P-value
N = 7 N = 7 N = 7
A-NSL (mm) 52.58 (5.97) 55.86 (6.13) 59.47 (5.39) 3.28 0.377 3.62 0.192
A-NSLP (mm) -11.27 (7.48) -6.29 (6.88) -8.47 (6.41) 4.98 0.217 -2.19 0.282
Horizontal overjet (mm) -4.57 (5.99) 3.88 (1.45) 3.2 (1.02) 8.45 0.02a -0.68 0.208
Vertical overbite (mm) -0.34 (4.2) -0.38 (2.55) 1.98 (2.09) 0.04 0.985 2.35 0.046a
ANB angle (degrees) -3.83 (3.25) 5.5 (2.88) 1.67 (2.25) 9.33 0.009a -3.83 0.003a
Nasolabial angle (degrees) 64.42 (13.7) 59.47 (5.39) 61.42 (11.48) -4.95 0.38 1,95 0.08
E-plane (mm) -7.99 (2.52) -8.47 (5.39) -4.71 (3.99) -0.48 0.871 3.14 0.35

aP < 0.05, paired t-test.
CONVG = orthognathic treatment group; SD = standard deviation; T1 = preoperatively, T2 = after surgery, T3 = follow-up; N = number of patients; A-NSL = A point to the nasion-sella line; A-NSLP = A point to the nasion-sella line perpendicular, ANB = A point-nasion-B point; E-plane = aesthetic plane.