Search Query Items found
#33 Search: ((((((harvest*[Text Word]) AND (bone[Text Word])) OR ("Tissue and Organ Harvesting"[Mesh])) OR ("Bone Transplantation"[Mesh])) AND (((("Mandibular Condyle"[Mesh]) OR (ramus[Text Word])) OR (mandible*[Text Word])) OR (retromolar[Text Word]))) AND (((("Chin"[Mesh]) OR (chin[Text Word])) OR (symphy*[Text Word])) OR (parasymphy*[Text Word]))) AND (((((((((("Controlled Clinical Trial"[Publication Type] OR "Controlled Clinical Trials as Topic"[Mesh])) OR (((random*[Text Word] OR controlled[Text Word] OR crossover[Text Word] OR cross-over[Text Word] OR blind*[Text Word] OR mask*[Text Word])) AND (trial[Text Word] OR trials[Text Word] OR study[Text Word] OR studies[Text Word] OR analys*[Text Word] OR analyz*[Text Word]))) OR rct[Text Word]) OR (((singl*[Text Word] OR doubl*[Text Word] OR tripl*[Text Word])) AND (blind[Text Word] OR mask[Text Word]))) OR placebo[Text Word]) OR ("Retrospective Studies"[Mesh])) OR ("Prospective Studies"[Mesh])) OR ("Cohort Studies"[Mesh])) OR (retrospective[Text Word] OR prospective[Text Word] OR comparative[Text Word])) Sort by: Publication Date 149
#32 Search: ((((((((("Controlled Clinical Trial"[Publication Type] OR "Controlled Clinical Trials as Topic"[Mesh])) OR (((random*[Text Word] OR controlled[Text Word] OR crossover[Text Word] OR cross-over[Text Word] OR blind*[Text Word] OR mask*[Text Word])) AND (trial[Text Word] OR trials[Text Word] OR study[Text Word] OR studies[Text Word] OR analys*[Text Word] OR analyz*[Text Word]))) OR rct[Text Word]) OR (((singl*[Text Word] OR doubl*[Text Word] OR tripl*[Text Word])) AND (blind[Text Word] OR mask[Text Word]))) OR placebo[Text Word]) OR ("Retrospective Studies"[Mesh])) OR ("Prospective Studies"[Mesh])) OR ("Cohort Studies"[Mesh])) OR (retrospective[Text Word] OR prospective[Text Word] OR comparative[Text Word]) Sort by: Publication Date 5,279,419
#31 Search: retrospective[Text Word] OR prospective[Text Word] OR comparative[Text Word] Sort by: Publication Date 3,529,655
#30 Search: "Cohort Studies"[Mesh] 2,004,579
#22 Search: "Prospective Studies"[Mesh] 541,616
#21 Search: "Retrospective Studies"[Mesh] 824,772
#19 Search: ((((("Controlled Clinical Trial"[Publication Type] OR "Controlled Clinical Trials as Topic"[Mesh])) OR (((random*[Text Word] OR controlled[Text Word] OR crossover[Text Word] OR cross-over[Text Word] OR blind*[Text Word] OR mask*[Text Word])) AND (trial[Text Word] OR trials[Text Word] OR study[Text Word] OR studies[Text Word] OR analys*[Text Word] OR analyz*[Text Word]))) OR rct[Text Word]) OR (((singl*[Text Word] OR doubl*[Text Word] OR tripl*[Text Word])) AND (blind[Text Word] OR mask[Text Word]))) OR placebo[Text Word] Sort by: Publication Date 1,790,170
#15 Search: (((((harvest*[Text Word]) AND (bone[Text Word])) OR ("Tissue and Organ Harvesting"[Mesh])) OR ("Bone Transplantation"[Mesh])) AND (((("Mandibular Condyle"[Mesh]) OR (ramus[Text Word])) OR (mandible*[Text Word])) OR (retromolar[Text Word]))) AND (((("Chin"[Mesh]) OR (chin[Text Word])) OR (symphy*[Text Word])) OR (parasymphy*[Text Word])) Sort by: Publication Date 334
#14 Search: ((("Chin"[Mesh]) OR (chin[Text Word])) OR (symphy*[Text Word])) OR (parasymphy*[Text Word]) Sort by: Publication Date 15,556
#13 Search: parasymphy*[Text Word] Sort by: Publication Date 361
#12 Search: symphy*[Text Word] Sort by: Publication Date 6,377
#11 Search: chin[Text Word] Sort by: Publication Date 9,245
#10 Search: "Chin"[Mesh] 3,846
#9 Search: ((("Mandibular Condyle"[Mesh]) OR (ramus[Text Word])) OR (mandible*[Text Word])) OR (retromolar[Text Word]) Sort by: Publication Date 78,774
#8 Search: retromolar[Text Word] Sort by: Publication Date 959
#7 Search: mandible*[Text Word] Sort by: Publication Date 69,426
#6 Search: ramus[Text Word] Sort by: Publication Date 6,693
#5 Search: "Mandibular Condyle"[Mesh] 8,978
#4 Search: (((harvest*[Text Word]) AND (bone[Text Word])) OR ("Tissue and Organ Harvesting"[Mesh])) OR ("Bone Transplantation"[Mesh]) Sort by: Publication Date 57,601
#3 Search: "Bone Transplantation"[Mesh] 31,647
#2 Search: "Tissue and Organ Harvesting"[Mesh] 17,188
#1 Search: (harvest*[Text Word]) AND (bone[Text Word]) Sort by: Publication Date 13,021