Appendix 1. | PubMed search until the 8th of February 2021 |
Search |
Query |
Results |
#32 |
Search: ((((((((("Alveolar Ridge Augmentation"[Mesh]) OR (alveolar augmentation*[Text Word])) OR (alveolar ridge augmentation*[Text Word])) OR (lateral ridge augmentation*[Text Word])) OR (lateral augmentation*[Text Word])) OR (horizontal ridge augmentation*[Text Word])) OR (horizontal augmentation*[Text Word])) AND (((((((((("Bone Transplantation"[Mesh]) OR (bone block*[Text Word])) OR (block graft*[Text Word])) OR (bone graft*[Text Word])) OR ("Transplantation, Autologous"[Mesh])) OR (autograft*[Text Word])) OR (autologous transplant*[Text Word])) OR (autogenous transplant*[Text Word])) OR (autogenous graft*[Text Word])) OR (autologous graft*[Text Word]))) AND ((((("Membranes, Artificial"[Mesh]) OR ("Membranes"[Mesh])) OR (membrane*[Text Word])) OR ("Platelet-Rich Plasma"[Mesh])) OR (platelet-rich*[Text Word] OR fibrin*[Text Word]))) AND (((((("Controlled Clinical Trial"[Publication Type] OR "Controlled Clinical Trials as Topic"[Mesh])) OR (((random*[Text Word] OR controlled[Text Word] OR crossover[Text Word] OR cross-over[Text Word] OR blind*[Text Word] OR mask*[Text Word])) AND (trial[Text Word] OR trials[Text Word] OR study[Text Word] OR studies[Text Word] OR analys*[Text Word] OR analyz*[Text Word]))) OR rct[Text Word]) OR (((singl*[Text Word] OR doubl*[Text Word] OR tripl*[Text Word])) AND (blind[Text Word] OR mask[Text Word]))) OR placebo[Text Word]) Sort by: Publication Date |
193 |
#31 |
Search: ((((("Controlled Clinical Trial"[Publication Type] OR "Controlled Clinical Trials as Topic"[Mesh])) OR (((random*[Text Word] OR controlled[Text Word] OR crossover[Text Word] OR cross-over[Text Word] OR blind*[Text Word] OR mask*[Text Word])) AND (trial[Text Word] OR trials[Text Word] OR study[Text Word] OR studies[Text Word] OR analys*[Text Word] OR analyz*[Text Word]))) OR rct[Text Word]) OR (((singl*[Text Word] OR doubl*[Text Word] OR tripl*[Text Word])) AND (blind[Text Word] OR mask[Text Word]))) OR placebo[Text Word] Sort by: Publication Date |
1,868,552 |
#30 |
Search: (((((((("Alveolar Ridge Augmentation"[Mesh]) OR (alveolar augmentation*[Text Word])) OR (alveolar ridge augmentation*[Text Word])) OR (lateral ridge augmentation*[Text Word])) OR (lateral augmentation*[Text Word])) OR (horizontal ridge augmentation*[Text Word])) OR (horizontal augmentation*[Text Word])) AND (((((((((("Bone Transplantation"[Mesh]) OR (bone block*[Text Word])) OR (block graft*[Text Word])) OR (bone graft*[Text Word])) OR ("Transplantation, Autologous"[Mesh])) OR (autograft*[Text Word])) OR (autologous transplant*[Text Word])) OR (autogenous transplant*[Text Word])) OR (autogenous graft*[Text Word])) OR (autologous graft*[Text Word]))) AND ((((("Membranes, Artificial"[Mesh]) OR ("Membranes"[Mesh])) OR (membrane*[Text Word])) OR ("Platelet-Rich Plasma"[Mesh])) OR (platelet-rich*[Text Word] OR fibrin*[Text Word])) Sort by: Publication Date |
787 |
#29 |
Search: (((("Membranes, Artificial"[Mesh]) OR ("Membranes"[Mesh])) OR (membrane*[Text Word])) OR ("Platelet-Rich Plasma"[Mesh])) OR (platelet-rich*[Text Word] OR fibrin*[Text Word]) Sort by: Publication Date |
1,748,294 |
#28 |
Search: platelet-rich*[Text Word] OR fibrin*[Text Word] Sort by: Publication Date |
167,108 |
#27 |
Search: "Platelet-Rich Plasma"[Mesh] Sort by: Most Recent |
4,644 |
#26 |
Search: membrane*[Text Word] Sort by: Publication Date |
1,332,150 |
#25 |
Search: "Membranes"[Mesh] Sort by: Publication Date |
330,130 |
#23 |
Search: "Membranes, Artificial"[Mesh] Sort by: Publication Date |
102,876 |
#21 |
Search: ((((((((("Bone Transplantation"[Mesh]) OR (bone block*[Text Word])) OR (block graft*[Text Word])) OR (bone graft*[Text Word])) OR ("Transplantation, Autologous"[Mesh])) OR (autograft*[Text Word])) OR (autologous transplant*[Text Word])) OR (autogenous transplant*[Text Word])) OR (autogenous graft*[Text Word])) OR (autologous graft*[Text Word]) Sort by: Publication Date |
106,578 |
#20 |
Search: autologous graft*[Text Word] Sort by: Publication Date |
1,348 |
#19 |
Search: autogenous graft*[Text Word] Sort by: Publication Date |
798 |
#18 |
Search: autogenous transplant*[Text Word] Sort by: Publication Date |
149 |
#17 |
Search: autologous transplant*[Text Word] Sort by: Publication Date |
4,346 |
#16 |
Search: autograft*[Text Word] Sort by: Publication Date |
19,360 |
#15 |
Search: "Transplantation, Autologous"[Mesh] Sort by: Most Recent |
50,570 |
#13 |
Search: bone graft*[Text Word] Sort by: Publication Date |
28,192 |
#12 |
Search: block graft*[Text Word] Sort by: Publication Date |
445 |
#11 |
Search: bone block*[Text Word] Sort by: Publication Date |
1,593 |
#10 |
Search: "Bone Transplantation"[Mesh] Sort by: Most Recent |
32,165 |
#8 |
Search: (((((("Alveolar Ridge Augmentation"[Mesh]) OR (alveolar augmentation*[Text Word])) OR (alveolar ridge augmentation*[Text Word])) OR (lateral ridge augmentation*[Text Word])) OR (lateral augmentation*[Text Word])) OR (horizontal ridge augmentation*[Text Word])) OR (horizontal augmentation*[Text Word]) |
4,586 |
#7 |
Search: horizontal augmentation*[Text Word] |
66 |
#6 |
Search: horizontal ridge augmentation*[Text Word] |
90 |
#5 |
Search: lateral augmentation*[Text Word] |
57 |
#4 |
Search: lateral ridge augmentation*[Text Word] |
77 |
#3 |
Search: alveolar ridge augmentation*[Text Word] |
4,507 |
#2 |
Search: alveolar augmentation*[Text Word] |
67 |
#1 |
Search: "Alveolar Ridge Augmentation"[Mesh] Sort by: Most Recent |
4,308 |