No. |
Query |
Results |
#28 |
#22 AND #27 |
105 |
#27 |
#23 OR #24 OR #25 OR #26 |
8708749 |
#26 |
(((single OR double OR triple) NEAR/2 (blind* OR mask*)):ti,ab,de) OR placebo:ti,ab,de |
611495 |
#25 |
(((random* OR controlled* OR crossover OR 'cross over' OR blind* OR mask*) NEAR/3 (trial* OR study OR studies OR analy*)):ti,ab,de) OR rct:ti,ab,de |
8553156 |
#24 |
'controlled clinical trial'/exp |
816422 |
#23 |
'randomized controlled trial'/exp |
643616 |
#22 |
#3 AND #16 AND #21 |
356 |
#21 |
#17 OR #18 OR #19 OR #20 |
2117902 |
#20 |
'platelet-rich*' OR fibrin* |
252821 |
#19 |
'thrombocyte rich plasma'/exp |
13864 |
#18 |
'membrane*' |
1503622 |
#17 |
'membrane'/exp |
918541 |
#16 |
#4 OR #5 OR #6 OR #7 OR #8 OR #9 OR #10 OR #11 OR #12 OR #13 OR #14 OR #15 |
97271 |
#15 |
'autograft'/de |
13994 |
#14 |
'autogenous graft*' |
899 |
#13 |
'autologous graft*' |
1826 |
#12 |
'autogenous transplant*' |
161 |
#11 |
'autologous transplant*' |
7894 |
#10 |
autograft* |
28230 |
#9 |
'block graft*' |
464 |
#8 |
'bone block*' |
1777 |
#7 |
'bone transplantation'/exp |
55687 |
#6 |
'bone graft*' |
46585 |
#5 |
'bone graft'/exp |
36000 |
#4 |
'autogenous bone graft'/de |
20 |
#3 |
#1 OR #2 |
1651 |
#2 |
(alveolar OR lateral OR horizontal) NEXT/2 augmentation* |
1651 |
#1 |
'alveolar ridge augmentation'/de |
862 |