ID |
Search |
Hits |
#1 |
MeSH descriptor: [Alveolar Ridge Augmentation] explode all trees |
353 |
#2 |
((alveolar OR lateral OR horizontal) NEXT/2 augmentation*):ti,ab,kw |
450 |
#3 |
#1 or #2 |
450 |
#4 |
MeSH descriptor: [Bone Transplantation] explode all trees |
978 |
#5 |
("bone grafting"):ti,ab,kw |
584 |
#6 |
(autografting):ti,ab,kw |
183 |
#7 |
MeSH descriptor: [Transplantation, Autologous] explode all trees |
1612 |
#8 |
(autologous transplantation):ti,ab,kw |
5942 |
#9 |
(autogenous transplantation):ti,ab,kw |
391 |
#10 |
(autologous graft):ti,ab,kw |
1581 |
#11 |
(autogenous graft):ti,ab,kw |
603 |
#12 |
(bone block):ti,ab,kw |
1058 |
#13 |
(block graft):ti,ab,kw |
455 |
#14 |
{OR #4-#13} |
9321 |
#15 |
MeSH descriptor: [Membranes] explode all trees |
5652 |
#16 |
MeSH descriptor: [Membranes, Artificial] explode all trees |
1228 |
#17 |
(membrane):ti,ab,kw |
13826 |
#18 |
MeSH descriptor: [Platelet-Rich Plasma] explode all trees |
511 |
#19 |
(platelet-rich OR fibrin):ti,ab,kw |
5471 |
#20 |
{OR #15-#19} |
24358 |
#21 |
#3 and #14 and #20 in Trials (Word variations have been searched) |
112 |