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#19 #9 AND #18 310
#18 #10 OR #11 OR #12 OR #13 OR #14 OR #15 OR #16 OR #17 12103590
#17 longitudinal:ti,ab,kw,de OR 'follow up':ti,ab,kw,de OR followup:ti,ab,kw,de OR 'retrospective':ti,ab,kw,de OR 'prospective':ti,ab,kw,de 4443130
#16 'longitudinal study'/exp 165047
#15 'prospective study'/exp 733023
#14 'retrospective study'/de 1175335
#13 (((single OR double OR triple) NEAR/2 (blind* OR mask*)):ti,ab,kw,de) OR placebo:ti,ab,kw,de 637833
#12 (((random* OR controlled* OR crossover OR 'cross over' OR blind* OR mask*) NEAR/3 (trial* OR study OR studies OR analy*)):ti,ab,kw,de) OR rct:ti,ab,kw,de 9193945
#11 'randomized controlled trial'/exp 690297
#10 'controlled clinical trial'/exp 865747
#9 #3 AND #8 634
#8 #4 OR #5 OR #6 OR #7 282430
#7 'third molar*':ti,ab,kw 10636
#6 'autogenous dentin block*':ti,ab,kw OR 'autogenous dentin graft*':ti,ab,kw 4
#5 tooth:ti,ab,kw OR teeth:ti,ab,kw 189414
#4 'tooth'/exp 185237
#3 #1 OR #2 2089
#2 ((alveolar OR lateral OR horizontal) NEAR/3 augmentat*):ti,ab,kw 1454
#1 'alveolar ridge augmentation'/exp 960