Study Soft tissue parameters Hard tissue parameters Tissue health parameters
Caplanis et al. [21] Periodontal biotype Affected socket walls, amount of bone loss,
distance between alveolar crest and dentino-enamel junction
Elian et al. [22] Facial soft tissue level Buccal bone level None
Chu et al. [23] Buccal soft tissue deficiency Buccal bone plate level None
El Chaar et al. [24] Soft tissue biotype Buccal plate loss, periapical bone topography, interproximal bone level None
Steigmann et al. [25] None -Buccal bone intact thickness;
-Buccal bone fenestration;
-Buccal bone dehiscence compared with dehiscence height
Juodzbalys et al. [26] -Soft tissue contour;
-Vertical soft tissue deficiency;
-Keratinized gingival;
-Mesial and distal papillae;
-Gingival biotype;
-Soft tissue quality - colour, consistency, and contour
-Alveolar process height;
-Labial plate vertical position;
-Facial bone thickness;
-Intra dental bone peak height;
-Adjacent teeth mesio-distal distance;
-Palatal angulation;
-Available bone beyond the apex of extraction socket
Bone lesions
Kim et al. [27] Soft tissue damage -Bony walls resorption;
-Buccal plate or the palatal/lingual plate;
-Buccal and palatal/lingual walls;
-Hard tissue damage
Bone defect configuration and pathology