Group P-value Difference of
the mean
95% CI of
the difference
Study Control Lower Upper
Left nostril
Calculated resistance
(cm H2O/L/min)
Mean (SD) 2.54 (1.11) 2.35 (1.49) 0.602c 0.168 -0.473 0.809
95% CI of mean 2.26; 2.93 1.8; 2.9
Min; max 1.11; 5.58 0.31; 7.69
Volume (cm3)a Mean (SD) 6.64 (1.38) 7.06 (1.57) 0.951d 0.595 0.787 1.148
95% CI of mean 5.94; 7.42 5.98; 8.34
Min; max 3.9; 12.81 2.86; 23.57
MCA (cm2) Mean (SD) 0.53 (0.1) 0.63 (0.25) 0.025d* -0.109 -0.204 -0.014
95% CI of mean 0.49; 0.56 0.54; 0.73
Min; max 0.31; 0.75 0.38; 1.49
Distance to MCA (cm) Q1 0.42 0.18 0.158b - - -
Q2 0.42 0.42 - - -
Q3 1.86 1.62 - - -
Min; max 0.18; 2.1 0.8; 4.5 - - -
Right nostril
Calculated resistance
(cm H2O/L/min)
Mean (SD) 2.78 (1.13) 2.17 (1.04) 0.04c* 0.58 0.027 1.134
95% CI of mean 2.39; 3.16 1.79; 2.55
Min; max 0.85; 5.78 0.21; 4.84
Volume (cm3)a Mean (SD) 6.17 (1.38 7.73 (1.62) 0.03d* 0.793 0.645 0.977
95% CI of mean 5.52; 6.9 6.47; 9.24
Min; max 3.49; 15.49 4.18; 36.23
MCA (cm2) Mean (SD) 0.52 (0.11) 0.62 (0.27) 0.04d* -0.109 -0.212 -0.005
95% CI of mean 0.48; 0.56 0.52;0.72
Min; max 0.35; 0.76 0.4; 1.55
Distance to MCA (cm) Q1 0.18 0.18 0.035b* - - -
Q2 1.62 0.42 - - -
Q3 1.86 1.62 - - -
Min; max 0.2; 2.1 0.2; 1.9 - - -

aThe relative differences are listed due to analysis using the natural logarithm scale; bMann-Whitney test; csignificantly negatively associated with age; dsignificantly positively associated with age.
*Significant difference at P < 0.05.
MCA = minimum cross-sectional area; SD = standard deviation; CI = confidence interval; Q1 = first quartile; Q2 = second quartile, median; Q3 = third quartile.