Injuries (n/%)
Age groups UL LL CET Thorax Spine Skin
Abdomen Total
0 – 9 2/2.9 3/4.3 20/29 1/1.4 0/0 11/15.9 0/0 37/7.3%
10 – 19 3/1.4 5/2.3 23/10.7 4/1.9 0/0 29/13.6 0/0 64/12.6%
20 – 29 11/2.8 12/3 51/12.9 7/1.8 3/0.8 61/15.4 1/0.3 146/28.8%
30 – 39 8/2.6 9/3 28/9.3 6/2 3/1 58/19.2 2/0.7 114/22.5%
40 – 49 7/3.3 8/3.8 31/14.6 1/0.5 2/0.9 25/11.8 0/0 74/14.6%
50 – 59 3/2.8 1/0.9 14/13.2 0/0 2/1.9 14/13.2 1/0.9 35/7%
60 – 69 1/2 0/0 4/8 1/2 1/2 10/20 0/0 17/3.4%
70 – 79 2/7.7 1/3.8 5/19.2 0/0 0/0 7/26.9 0/0 15/3%
80 – 89 0/0 0/0 1/10 1/10 0/0 2/20 0/0 4/0.8%
Total of injuries 37 39 177 21 11 217 4 506
Grand total (injuries) 506/100%

n = number of patients; UL = upper limb; LL = lower limb; CET = cranioencephalic trauma.