Number of natural teeth Prevalence of oral health conditions
Bleeding gums
N (%)
N (%)
Biting difficulties
N (%)
20 or more natural teeth
(N = 30851)
1648 (5.3) 4191 (13.6) 715 (2.3)
19 to 10 natural teeth
(N = 6024)
312 (5.2) 801 (13.3) 406 (6.7)
Fewer than 10 natural teeth
(N = 2879)
112 (3.9) 375 (13) 321 (11.1)
χ2 test P-value 0.004 0.62a < 0.001

aNo statistically significant at the level P < 0.05 (Chi-square test).
N = number of cases; χ2 = Chi-square.