Study Source Pre-fabrication procedures Demineralization Form
Jun et al. [15] Autogenous teeth Teeth kept refrigerated or frozen, soft tissues removal,
tooth sectioning to crown and root, pulp tissue removal
- AutoBT powder
(0.5 - 1 mm)
Jeong et al. [16] Autogenous teeth - - AutoBT powder
Kim et al. [17] Autogenous teeth - - AutoBT powder
Kim et al. [18] Autogenous teeth Remnant soft tissues removal, pulp tissues removal,
making many small holes on tooth surface
Was performed in an ultrasonic chamber
equipped with vacuum and cooling units.
AutoFDT block
Lee et al. [19] Autogenous teeth Removal of all extraneous material, tooth sectioning
to crown and root, pulp tissue removal
30 min immersion in 0.6 N hydrochloric acid solution at 2 °C Autogenous tooth powder
(400 - 800 μm)
Sohn et al. [20] Extracted permanent teetha Attached soft tissues were removed 15 min in 0.6 N hydrochloride under vacuum compression
and ultrasonic vibration.
DTD powder
(0.8 - 1 mm)
Xu et al. [21] Extracted human permanent teethb Attached soft tissues were removed 15 min in 0.6 N hydrochloride under vacuum compression
and ultrasonic vibration.
DHT powder
(0.8 - 1 mm)

aNot indicated whether the teeth were autogenous.
bNon autogenous teeth were used - human teeth in rabbit's maxilla.
DHT = demineralized human tooth; DTD = demineralized tooth dentin; autoFDT = autogenous fresh demineralized tooth; autoBT = autogenous tooth bone graft; - = not indicated.